Our Causes

Future campaign

Support kids in Afghanistan 

Promoting the rights of children

Afghanistan doesn't have a child protection policy. There is widespread failure to promote and protect the rights of children. More than a third of Afghan boys and a quarter of Afghan girls between the ages of five and 17 are engaged in hazardous child labour. The most dangerous labour of all is street selling.

Education for poor street children in Kabul

Education for Poor Street Children in Kabul. The kids who have nothing but hope to be assisted by our international partners.

Raising support to save Farda kids in Kabul

Farda Association with the great help of the organisation volunteers saucerful campaigned and supported several children in Afghanistan.
Community seniors

Watch Farda's Latest Activities

Food delivery for the community seniors _ پروگرام تحویل غذا برای سالمندان جامعه

برنامه تلویزیونی فردا برای اولین بار ورزشبرای سالمندان را از طریق تلویزیون ۴۴ به نشر می رساند این برنامه برای سالمندان جامعه ما که در شرایط قرنتین بسر می برد در نظر گرفته شده.

What We Do?

We’re On A Mission To Solve
The Problems

seeds for tomorrow

Healthy Food

Medical Facilities




How Can You Help?

Your contribution will help save and improve lives of street children, education and emergency care. It could be in form of financial and non-financial. 


Muslim Meal Project

Dear friends, come and join us in this celebration of the launch of the Muslim meals service on 5th February 2020 at 11am. Please let us know if you require transport assistance.

5 Feb

Muslim Meal Project DARI Flier

  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Adelaide South Australia
5 Feb

Muslim Meal Project Pashto poster

  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Adelaide South Australia

Farda's Vision

Farda Association

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15 Mar

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Farda’s’ Facebook page.

15 Jan

What we DO

The Association’s preliminary aim is to help, assist and […]

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